Dmitrii PankinSpecialist in raman spectroscopyPhD (Candidate of Physics and Mathematics)Сontact details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fields of scientific interests - semiconductor nanostructures types A3B5 and A2B6 of reduced dimension - Raman spectroscopy of solid materials.
Biography 2011 – Bachelor degree at Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of Physics, Solid State Physics. The theme is “Modeling of the Raman spectra in superlattices GaN/AlN" Since 2012 – specialist in Raman spectroscopy at the “Center for optical and laser materials research” At this moment master student at Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of Physics, Solid State Physics.
Publications 1. M. B. Smirnov and D. V. Pankin Polar phonons and Raman spectra of the long period nitride-based superlattices // Proceedings - 20th International Symposium “Nanostructures: physics and technology”