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Specialist in optical equipment Mikhailova Alexandra Alexandrovna started working after maternity leave.
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Employees of RC OLMIV Shimko A.A., Kalinichev A.A., Kaputkina S.Yu. and Kurochkin MA have passed training courses within the framework of a series of technical seminars on optomechanical equipment, spectral devices and components Zolix "Features of application of optomechanics, optical tables and spectral devices"
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Director of the RC OLMIV Alexey Viktorovich Kurochkin as a member of the official delegation from the Science Park of St. Petersburg State University took part in the largest congress and exhibition event of the North-West, St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum.
The University presented a stand with information on the scientific infrastructure, as well as research and development being conducted at St. Petersburg State University at the forum. Within the framework of the forum, representatives of government bodies, business structures, as well as high school experts discussed topical issues of introducing innovations in production.
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The Raman spectrometer Horiba Jobin-Yvon LabRam HR800 serves to obtain Raman scattering spectra for the identification of the studied substances in a solid, liquid or gaseous state, phase diagnostics of inclusions in minerals, evaluation of the degree of crystallinity of a substance, for studies of the transformation of substances as a result of chemical, electrochemical reactions, research changes in biological tissues. The presence of a built-in microscope allows to obtain information from micrometer objects. Confocal optical scheme allows to achieve the maximum degree of detail while maintaining a high speed of image acquisition.